Samuella is a six-year-old student originally from the Eastern Region of Ghana. During her first visit to FOCOS Hospital in January 2021, her mother indicated that Samuella had experienced normal developmental growth up to the age of one, when it became apparent that Samuella had bowed legs. She also noted that this deformity went untreated and had progressively worsened over time. After a thorough consultation with the Orthopedic surgeon, Samuella was diagnosed with Bilateral Blount’s Disease and was recommended for surgery.
Samuella underwent her first surgery in February 2021 (which cost over $2,000) with a quick recovery and returned to school. However, a review in August 2021 showed that she was experiencing Recurrent Blount’s Disease, and Samuella was recommended for a second surgery, which would cost over $3,500. She was able to have her second surgery in March 2022, which was successful. This was made possible due to the financial assistance her family received through the FOCOS Sponsorships Scheme, which consists of donations made by various supporters, to aid with Patient Sponsorship.
A follow up call revealed that Samuella has recuperated well and has returned to school to continue with her education. She is very confident and associates well with her peers. Her parents are happy with the surgical outcome and impressed with the professionalism, dedication, and level of care they received from staff at the hospital.
“Dr. Sackeyfio and his team have been wonderful throughout the pre-surgery, surgery and post-surgery process and took their time to explain every procedure to us’’.
Samuella and her entire family are grateful for the financial assistance that was granted to them through the FOCOS Sponsorship scheme. They wish to express their gratitude to all the donors of the 2021 FOCOS US Virtual Gala for making their daughter’s surgery a reality and to the entire FOCOS team for their selfless dedication towards their patients.